Pensar Público, 2011
A exposição Pensar Público foi o resultado de um trabalho colaborativo de uma equipe multidisciplinar formada por designers, arquitetos, artistas e cientistas. As duas instalações desenvolvidas e apresentadas explorava a idéia de mapeamento como ferramenta de análise e representação de diversas disciplinas. O projeto entendia o espaço público como transitório e apresentava mapas de fluxos: o movimento das pessoas nas ruas e o uso temporário dos espaços urbanos.
A exposição Pensar Público foi o resultado de um trabalho colaborativo de uma equipe multidisciplinar formada por designers, arquitetos, artistas e cientistas. As duas instalações desenvolvidas e apresentadas explorava a idéia de mapeamento como ferramenta de análise e representação de diversas disciplinas. O projeto entendia o espaço público como transitório e apresentava mapas de fluxos: o movimento das pessoas nas ruas e o uso temporário dos espaços urbanos.
Thinking about public spaces, 2011
The exhibition was the result of the collaborative work of a multidisciplinary group composed of designers, architects, artists and scientists. Two interactive installations were created, developed and produced. The idea of mapping the city has emerged as a tool of convergence between the different disciplines represented in the work group. The project understood the city as a complex system of overlapping information in constant motion, and the installations explored unusual ways of mapping the public space. Map the flow of people and temporary occupations seemed as important as to map the fixed structures of the city. The installations were ephemeral maps, showing the flow of the city through their tracks and pathways, as well as its dynamics of presences and absences.
The exhibition was the result of the collaborative work of a multidisciplinary group composed of designers, architects, artists and scientists. Two interactive installations were created, developed and produced. The idea of mapping the city has emerged as a tool of convergence between the different disciplines represented in the work group. The project understood the city as a complex system of overlapping information in constant motion, and the installations explored unusual ways of mapping the public space. Map the flow of people and temporary occupations seemed as important as to map the fixed structures of the city. The installations were ephemeral maps, showing the flow of the city through their tracks and pathways, as well as its dynamics of presences and absences.